ROME - The story of Italy's commitment to international humanitarian crises arrives on Rai Italia. In fact, the documentary "The basis of hope" on Italian Cooperation and the United Nations Food Program will be broadcast in the next two days.
Brindisi is the European base of this activity, where we discover a container of stories of operators who weave the thread of the complex logistical operations of preparation and response to emergencies. Here the UN agency World Food Program (WFP) manages the United Nations Emergency Response Base (UNHRD), in the city's military airport and in the former United States Air Force base in San Vito dei Normanni. Little known to the general public, not just television, the base has a historical relationship with the territory and a global projection.
This is a key place where WFP implements global response strategies. It is precisely on the "Brindisi model" that the other bases were created, in the United Arab Emirates, Ghana, Malaysia and Panama, which make up the network of "Bases of Hope". At the head of the base and of this international network is an Italian woman.
The cameras of Rai Italia tell what actually moves when it comes to international cooperation and United Nations organizations such as the WFP and what it means to work in partnership to save lives and change lives and achieve a "Zero Hunger" world in which no one is left behind.
NEW YORK/TORONTO 2 December h21.00
LOS ANGELES December 2 h 18.00
SYDNEY 3 December h10.15pm
BEIJING/PERTH 3 December 7.15pm
JOHANNESBURG 3 December h11.00
BERLIN 3 December h10.00
LISBON 3 December h21.00