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Rai Italia: tourism at the center of “Casa Italia”

Rome - Tourism has recorded record numbers this summer, with over 200% more foreign tourists in Italy. Roberta Ammendola, presenter of "Casa Italia", on the tomorrow broadcast of Rai Italia, discusses about this with Marina Lalli, President of Federturismo Confindustria, Alberto Corti, Head of Tourism Confcommercio, Ivana Jelenic, President of FIAVET, the Italian Federation of Travel and Tourism Companies and Rino Pellino, Rai correspondent in Berlin.

Immediately after, Roberta welcomes Beppe Convertini, host of "Linea Verde", Rai's historic program, broadcast worldwide by Rai Italia.

To follow, "Sportello Italia" with Dr. Gianluca Timpone, who explains how to pay taxes from abroad without making mistakes.

Then, cinema with Carlo Gentile, who connects with director Mario Martone to talk about his new film in the running to represent Italy at the 2023 Oscars.

The finale in music, with Monica Marangoni and Stefano Palatresi telling a piece of Italian song history.

For the Stories from the World, we fly to Germany to meet Fabio Molinari, a young expert in artificial intelligence, and a Doctoral Student at the University of Berlin.

Then in Japan to meet Matteo Ceccarini, a cartoonist who in Tokyo rediscovered his passion for Italian Renaissance art.


NEW YORK/TORONTO 3rd October h17.00

LOS ANGELES 3rd October h14.00

BUENOS AIRES/SÃO PAULO 3rd October h18.00

SYDNEY 3rd October h18.30

BEIJING/PERTH 3rd October h15.30

JOHANNESBURG 3rd October h15.45

BERLIN 3rd October h15.45

LISBON 3rd October h14.45.


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