LONDON - There are 372,172 Aire members in South England and Wales, 6,492 more since the beginning of the year. According to the report of the Consulate General of Italy in London on the services rendered in April, the office dealt with 2,738 files related to Aire, 1,237 registrations and 1,501 changes of address.
2,666 passports issued in the month just ended (11,660 since the beginning of the year) and 46 Emergency Travel Documents.
The Consulate General has issued 124 proxies and clearances for the issuance of passports to citizens registered with Aire sent to police headquarters and other consular offices.
Also in April, 399 electronic identity cards were issued.
As for civil status practices, London registered 302 birth certificates, 114 marriage/partnership certificates and 9 divorces.
The report closes with data on notarial deeds (72), declarations of value (34) and entry visas: in April, 1,948 applications were processed (7,707 since the beginning of the year).