14 April 2017 - at 19.08
Solicited by Marco Tommasini , President of the Family Defense Committee which groups together several Italian citizens of retirement age who were involved in the scam by the Director of the INCA / CGIL Patronato CGIE councilor appointed by the government in M5S share, Matteo Preabianca , has recently sent a letter to the CGIE (General Council of Italians Abroad), submitting to the attention of all its members to the sad issue of scam.
In the letter Preabianca sensitizes all the Council to a more incisive action in favor of the numerous users of the Patronato who have been damaged and asks_cc781905-5cde-3194 -badl_badd to take part active and to intervene at all the competent offices so that venga clarity on the problem, prevail_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badla -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ finally fulfilled their claims for the damage suffered.
On the questione several parliamentary questions have so far been presented, which to date are unanswered. The press has already given wide coverage and, recently, the case was the subject of a television report of the Hyenas aired on April 9th.
Preabianca's request for awareness has already been answered by the Secretary General del CGIE Michele Schiavone_cc781905-5cde-3194_bbadd by some of its members 136cfbadd 136b3b5 by some of its members councilors. ll SG del CGIE, takes stock of the situation in a recent notification illustrating_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5890IE-136bad5cf58d so far done for the victims of the INCA case in Zurich.
Marco Tommasini thanks the Secretary General Schiavone for the attention paid and takes the opportunity to add some useful details to better judge the work of the previous CGIE and hope that the new CGIE, under the aegis of the current Secretary, can intervene in a more decisive and concrete way in favor of the injured:
On this occasion, we kindly ask you to sign and disseminate the petition in which we urge the Secretary of the CGIL to take charge of the civil liability for what is criminally implemented to the detriment of pensioners dal INCA / CGIL patronage of Zurich, finally following al compensation ordered against the injured party by the sentence of the Swiss federal court. "
"In summary, the scam was discovered in 2009. but only after four years, as Schiavone recalls, the CGIE dealt with the matter in the plenary assembly of 27 - 29 November 2013. Until that date the then Secretary General of the CGIE who was at the same time President of the INCA / CGIL in Belgium, Elio Carozza , had always refused to talk about it. An attitude to say the least in contrast to that for which the CGIE was established.
The CGIE is the body prepared to deal with the fact as it involves aspects of relevance for the entire Italian community abroad. And the case deals with aspects of relevance. Just think of the unclear relationship between the Italian patronage and the offices abroad e alla first ever that an Italian patronage closes the structure in a foreign country to evade compensation for its clients. Not to mention that the CGIE is the body that should guarantee the rights of Italian citizens abroad, as Schiavone writes in another recent letter concerning the duties and prerogatives of the CGIE.
In 2013 he was the councilor CGIE Augusto Sorriso to propose to the Presidency Committee (CdP), which defines the agenda to be dealt with in the plenary assemblies, on request of the SFAO, to include the topic of the case in this regard. History repeats itself only this time it is Matteo Preabianca del M5S to be the spokesperson for the request of the CDF.
In an interview Augusto Sorriso explains how things went then. During the CdP that preceded the plenary of the CGIE, he had presented the case with the support of two other councilors, Gian Luigi Ferretti e_cc781905-5c3b- 3194 136bad5cf58d_ Riccardo Pinna . The response to their requests, by the then Secretary General Carozza, had been dry: "We don't even want to talk about it." So Sorriso set out to tackle the topic in the Plenary at the end of November. He concludes the interview with the not very reassuring words: “but since the CGIE is made up for the most part by members of trade unions and patronages, at this point it seems to me almost a waste of time. We only asked the Presidential Committee for a declaration of condemnation. And we asked for more precise controls by patronages and trade unions. In short, strict responsibility had to be pointed out. Instead, nothing. Total closure. In ten minutes they silenced us ”.
The councilor Avv. Carlo Consiglio also spoke unjustified in a circumstance like that. He proposed to place the following item on the agenda of the plenary: “Italian countrymen in Switzerland cheated by an executive body of the patronage. Discussion and measures " . 33 Councilors out of 94 will later sign the petition.
Reluctantly we note that the name of gentile Schiavone does not appear in the list of signatories .
In conclusion, at the end of the meeting held in Rome on 27 - 29 December 2013, the following will be recorded on the last day:
CONSIDERING that in Switzerland, and specifically in Zurich, compatriots have been swindled by a person who took advantage and abused his position as representative of a patronage institution;
REAFFIRMED the importance of the often frontier role of the patronages operating outside Italy;
EXPRESSES the most heartfelt solidarity with those compatriots who have been the object of the scam carried out against them.
Carlo Consiglio
Elio Carozza
Roberto Volpini
Silvana Mangione
Gianluca Lodetti
In the minutes there is no mention of the sentence for compensation against INCA / CGIL issued by the Swiss federal court, in all levels of judgment definitively. Not a word that the CGIL patronage had preferred to close the structure in Switzerland in order not to pay the due to their clients. The CGIE instead considered it important to give the semblance of innocence of the patronage and this in contrast with the sentence of the Swiss court
After these facts the story of the CGIE towards the INCA scam case ends. The CGIE ignores the case and takes no interest in the citizens involved. On the other hand, he is always at the forefront of doing his utmost at every opportunity in favor of the patronages when the government threatens to reduce their contributions.
The behavior of the outgoing Secretary General and the majority of the advisors of the old CGIE is nothing short of shameful. Absolutely unworthy of an institution that declares itself to be a defender of the rights of citizens abroad. A Secretary General who constantly turns against Italian citizens abroad to defend a patronage for which he is responsible in Belgium
It is hoped that the new CGIE with the SG Michele Schiavone can prove itself worthy of the task and take on the responsibility of defending the interests of Italian citizens abroad. Responsibility for which the CGIE was established.
To conclude, the requests forwarded by the CDF are aimed at to ensure that a control system is set up on patronages abroad in order to to avoid the repetition of a similar fraud and to make in mode that the INCA or the CGIL such as the promoter to compensate the people who have no pension security due to the fraud against the Zurich INCA / CGIL patronage.
Requests that are of global interest .
CDF, the president
Marco Tommasini
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January 31, 2017
È stata fissata per il prossimo 7 febbraio alle ore 18 la prima riunione del Comitato degli Italiani all'Estero.
L’incontro avrà luogo al Club Piso 51, Torre Mayor, 51° piano, Paseo de la Reforma 505, Città del Messico.
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È importante segnalare che, secondo l'Articolo 5, paragrafo 5 della Legge No. 286 del 23 ottobre 2003,
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1. Discussione ed eventuale approvazione bilancio 2016
2. Lavoro svolto dal Comites nel 2016
3. Attività per il 2017 4. Progetto sull' immigrazione italiana in Messico
5. Situazione finanziaria del Comites
6. Varie ed eventuali.
Saluti e a presto.
Massimo Barzizza Segretario Generale
January 29, 2017
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