Emiliano Mancino

3 nov 2022

Multilingualism: the second free webinar by Comites London

LONDON - Second appointment with the free webinars of Comites London dedicated to multilingualism in Italian families living abroad, with particular reference to the United Kingdom.

Monday 14 November, at 13.00 (UK time), with Antonella Sorace, Professor of Developmental Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh and founder of Bilingualism Matters.

We will talk about language development, how children learn to read and write also in the language of origin and the topic of language practices in the family will be studied in depth.

During the webinar you will be able to ask questions live by writing them in the comments space, and those that can be sent immediately via email to press@comiteslondra.info will be answered.

It will be possible to follow the webinar through the official profiles of Comites London on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

The cycle of seminars, with free participation, was organized with the support of Carmen Silvestri, PhD student in Applied Linguistics at the University of Essex and founder of Ambarabà Community Language School. The first webinar (currently available on the Comites London website) featured Jacopo Torregrossa, professor of Multilingualism, Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main, while the third will be held on Monday 12 December, 6 pm (UK time) with Giulia Pepe, researcher in Sociolinguistics, University of Westminster and Italian language teacher.
