Emiliano Mancino

3 apr 2023

London - Consul Solinas meets Italian students

LONDON - Tomorrow, April the 4, at 16:00 the Italian Consul in London Diego Solinas will meet the Italian students in the United Kingdom in room AG21 of the College Building of the City - University of London. The meeting is organized by City Italian Society and will be held in Italian.

On this occasion, students will be able to ask questions directly to Consul Solinas to get answers and insights on the issues that are close to their hearts.

Furthermore, the "Studenti unITi" initiative will be presented, a support program for Italian university students in the United Kingdom created in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in the UK.

To participate you need to register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/conversazione-con-il-console-solinas-e-presentazione-di-studenti-uniti-tickets-605993692447
